Hello everyone! Many hams have asked us whether the JPC-12 antenna can operate on the 80m band. The answer is yes. Today, we’ll talk about how to make the JPC-12 antenna operate on the 80m band and share some optimization tips. Hope you find it helpful!
To make the JPC-12 operate in the 80m band, two additional accessories need to be purchased.
[Extra purchase needed] 1 x extra coil [Purchase Links]
[Extra purchase needed] 1 x 5.6m telescope whip (Standard is 2.5m) [Purchase Links]

Here’s the difference between the additional 5.6m whip that needs to be purchased and the original 2.5m

For today’s demonstration, we used two additional products[NOT A MUST FOR YOU!]:
SV4401A VNA: To check SWR and resonance frequency, making it easier for us to tune [Purchase link]
TRIPOD: The geology of our test environment is so hard we couldn’t use the original spike, so we used a tripod instead! [Purchase link]

We need to stack both coils (one is an additional purchase and the other is the original JPC-12) together, with both sliders moved to the lowest position. This configuration uses all the coils.

Install the JPC-12 as usual and extend the 5.6m whip to its full length.

After installation, we used a VNA to observe the resonance frequency. Under today’s testing conditions, the resonance frequency was 3.38 MHz.

The frequency range of the 80m band is 3.5-3.9 MHz.To raise the resonance frequency, we adjust the slider on one of the coils upwards. The higher we move it, the shorter the antenna effectively becomes, which increases the frequency.

Finally, by adjusting the slider to different positions as needed, we can use the JPC-12 within the 3.5-3.9 MHz range.

That’s the entire process.I hope this article helps you get the JPC-12 antenna operating better on the 80m band. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your time in the world of amateur radio!
Here is the list of purchases:
A must buy: JPC-12 ANT [Purchase Links]
Extra purchase needed: 1 x extra coil [Purchase Links]、1 x 5.6m telescope whip [Purchase Links]
Others may need: SV4401A VNA [Purchase Links]、 Tripod [Purchase Links]